We offer unique cash flow solutions for small businesses and make the process transparent, quick, and safe.

Empowering Canadian entrepreneurs by providing them with the necessary capital to build and scale their businesses

OnTap Capital offers unique solutions to small businesses that may not meet the criteria for conventional bank loans, and require faster funding than banks can offer. Our team is dedicated to helping your business grow, and we offer flexible funding options to suit your needs. You can contact us via email or phone, and we’re always happy to answer any questions you may have and help you achieve your financial goals.

OnTap Capital is a funding expert with a proven track record of helping clients boost their revenue. If you’re a business owner looking to multiply your capital, cash advance could be the ideal choice for you. With our extensive experience and expertise in the funding industry, we can guide you through the process of obtaining a cash advance and help you achieve your business goals. So Why Wait?

Contact OnTap Capital today to explore your funding options and take your business to the next level. We offer Canadian and American businesses daily payouts and capital advances for inventory and marketing purposes. We provide funding for North American Businesses as quickly as 24 hours. Reach out to us by applying now or call us and our funding experts will be happy to assist you.

Call (905) 326-0050

Daily payouts and capital advances for inventory and marketing for North American businesses is as fast as 24 hours.


Cash Advance
Get your funding within 24 hours and pay it back with a small fixed amount for up to one year.

Bridge Financing
Use this interim financing option used by many North American businesses to solidify your short-term position until a long-term financing option can be arranged.

Property Loans and Mortgages
We can provide funds within 4-7 days on property.

8750 Jane St Unit 16, Concord, ON L4K 2M9